1955 – 59 GMC Gauge Panel Restoration Source


Restoring a Dash Gauge Panel has to be one of the hardest part of any classic truck restoration. A perfect restoration requires meticulous attention to detail to get it perfect. Even then, it’s a difficult task. Enter Rick Hendrickson. Rick had trouble finding a quality restored gauge panel when he needed one several years ago. What he did find available was unacceptable. So, Rick started restoring 55-59 GMC dash gauge panels himself.

Rick is passionate about the quality restorations he provides, “As you can see by the after pics, I pull no stops on the caliber of the re-build because I want guys to be able to “plug & Play” the new set without any puzzles that need to be figured out. I also provide everything that is needed for them to go back in painlessly & without a trip to the parts store.
Every set of panels that leave here have been stripped completely down to bare gauge cans, bead blasted, gauges re-faced, new seals, new glass, new wiring harness, correct metal light sockets that have new contacts, pigtails and bulbs. The speedo’s are calibrated, odometer is either duplicated with the existing mileage or zeroed out. The Sun Tachs & transmitter boxes are period correct RC-5A as well as the 12v clocks. The metal mounting plates, metal insert panels & metal gauge rings are bead blasted and re-plated. The insert panels are then re-striped just as they were when they left the assembly plant. I even open up the turn signal housing & re-lens it in green & the high beam indicator & re-lens it in red. Every gauge set comes with stainless mounting hdwr, dash gasket set & a new VDO copper oil line kit. These are show quality and in my opinion, add some serious bling to the 55-59 GMC dash.”

Contact Rick Hendrickson for more information T: 940-300-5235

Typical "Before" Condition of a Dash Gauge Panel
Typical “Before” Condition of a Dash Gauge Panel
Show Quality Restoration Completed
Show Quality Restoration Completed
Show Quality Restoration Completed
Show Quality Restoration Completed


Show Quality Restoration Completed
Show Quality Restoration Completed


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